Date Of Birth: December 28, 2004
Date Of Death: December 28, 2004
Charles Joseph MonninInfant son of Daniel and Kelly Monnin, passed away on December 28, 2004. He is survived by his twin brother Jack Monnin and brother Andrew Monnin. A private service was held. In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations be made to The St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN. 38105.
Ellie Certo says
Dear Kelly and Dan,
I am so terribly sorry to learn of your loss. Please know that all four of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
A very warm welcome to your new son. Hopefully,he will help to ease your sorrow.
With my prayers,
Jeff Lilly says
Dan and Kelly –
I am deeply saddened by your family’s loss, but heartened by the new joy in your life. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with and will remain with you and your family at this time.
Much Love,
Jeff Lilly
Angie Steffke says
Dear Daniel and Kelly,
My heart reaches out to you both during this difficult time. Please be patient and kind to each other and cherish your new baby twin as he will grow fast before your eyes. I am a mother of twins also and our similarity is that I have a twin angel in heaven also. Owen passed away suddenly at 8 months old. His twin sister Olivia is now 23 months old and she has grown so fast. I would like to share with you some advice to help you as it was shared with me. Try to focus and remember all of your surviving twin’s milestones, but also give yourself time to grieve.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Warm hugs to you both.
Pat and Amy Radack says
Dan and Kelly,
We are David Certo’s Aunt and Uncle…We too have lost a child, as has David’s mom, my sister Ele. David’s brother Michael lost his twin sister.
We were fortunate to have our Kayla for 16 years.
Please seek the time, ears and comfort of other bereaved parents. They are the closest you’ll get to anyone understanding what you are going through. I thank the Lord you have Jack to keep you busy and begin to fill your newfound void.
I found reading about the subject and my experience has helped me understand my feelings and therefore be less afraid. Help yourselves firstàmake sure of this; then seek to help each other. Give each other permission and space to grieve as individuals. You will not be able to help each other until you take care of yourself.
æSeek the comfort of the broken hearted, they have the biggest heartsÆ.
May God keep you safe in his heartàand in each otherÆs,
Pat and Amy Radack
David and Megan Certo says
Dan and Kelly,
As much as we share your sorrow, we also rejoice with you in Jack’s safe arrival. Know that your family and friends surround you and your boys, now and always, with love- Dave and Megan Certo
Tina Warren says
Daniel and Kelly:
I would like to offer condolences on behalf on myself and the Wishard Ob/Gyn department. Our prayers are with you. Faith will guide you and your family through this tough time. God bless you and your family.
Family BarnettNeefs says
Dear Kelly and Dan,
We have been thinking about you a lot during the past few days. Our son Cil is one of twins, whose sibling we lost. Ten years on we do not forget, but we take a double pleasure from him and his accomplishments.
May your children be a source of much “nachus” – joy and pride. And may the Almighty send healing and comfort to you.
Jonathan, Channah, Cil and Fien Barnett-Neefs
Jim Maureen and Jaime Williams says
Dear Dan and Kelly,
We are so very sad about the loss of Charlie. We hope it is comforting for you to know that Drew and Jack have their own special angel watching over them. Charlie will always be in our hearts. We love all of you.
Hilary Williams says
Dear Kelly and Dan,
I am so sorry for the loss of baby Charlie. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers. I know that Jack will bring so much joy and happiness to you.
Sandy Hulvat says
Dear Dan, Kelly, Drew & Jack,
We are so very sorry to hear about the loss of baby Charlie. No loss is greater than that of one’s child. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. We’re glad to hear that you and baby Jack are doing well despite the difficult delivery. With our deepest sympathy, Ryan, Sandy, Amber, Kathryn & Walker Hulvat
Nancy Miller says
Dan & Kelly,
I was so sorry to read about Charles. My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you and to also welcome your new son. I am sure Andrew will be a great big brother.
Nancy Miller
St. Francis Hospital
Kim Kevin Shannon and Joey says
Dear Kelly, Dan, Drew and Jack,
Words can never adequately express the sympathy and grief we feel at this time. We know Charlie would have been a great son and brother, but God must have had a very good reason for recalling him. Heaven must have needed a very special angel. Charlie is probably looking down on all of you with love and awaiting your eventual arrival. In the meantime, he has some pretty terrific great grandparents to take good care of him.
We wish we could be there to help you in some way through this sad time. Please know you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, and although we never knew him, we will always remember Charlie.